Nicaragua Fincas Mierisch Estate

Nicaragua Fincas Mierisch Estate

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Varietal: Red Catuai, Red Pacamara, Javanica, Caturra, Ethiosar, Yellow Pacamara
Grade: SHG
Process: Washed and sun dried
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, sweet aroma, citrus tones, honeyed, bright medium acidity, well-rounded cup.

Most of Nicaragua’s coffee is grown at altitudes between 800 and 1400 metres, falling into the Strictly High Grown (SHG) categorisation used in several Central American countries. Key growing regions include the mountainous areas of Matagalpa and Jinotega, though it is Nueva Segovia that is heralded as Nicaragua’s premier growing region, particularly the Cordillera de Dipilto – a mountainous area that runs along the Honduran border. This region regularly produces Cup of Excellence winning lots, for the farms here are blessed with altitudes of up to 1500 masl and excellent climatic conditions. The close proximity of the mills to the farms in this region also proves to be highly advantageous in terms of maintaining quality.